
the fascinating way to learn and improve your english

I have a lot of free time this week, and wanted to do something up,'quality time'. Cause everyday i do 'nothing' in front of my laptop (do something useless). In order to improve my english, i decided to go this usefull site!


Studi Excursion

I just got back from 'Study Excursion'. I visited many different places and i got so many things that i want to tell you one by one. But here i tired and i just wanna share some photos with a few words...


'Unbranded' Fashion? Why not? :P

That's my sister's and my outfit for eid prayer. Just simple outfit which comfortable to wear. In this special day i've tried to look special with my new abaya, pashmina, and some of my accessory collections which since someyears ago just kept on my drawer.

Happy Eid Mubarak!

Happy Eid Mubarak..
This just a simple postcard i made as a form of apology to all my friends on social networks.
The second poster. Inspirated from another blog which had pra wedding concept imitated film's poster. Eventhough at that times i was on stuck and some people called it 'design block', i did it with all my passion. The result is just like this.
Third poster was specialy made for my lovely mom and dad. It's a little difficult to found the good picture that can fit with the template i had made. I was spent a lot of time just to choose the rite picture. Yeah..i've finished that poster at 02.00 AM! Actually, I could make a better one if I wanted to, but my eyes are tired and I had better get to sleep.